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Thwack!? What they heck is that?


In the beginning, there was nothing. Senior year at Stuyvesant High School was stressful and boring. So, in order to relieve the coolest and most popular group of teens at Stuy of their boredom, a group of web comics was created. In general, these web comics were created by and intended for an audience consisting of the group of friends. Over the course of the next few months, comics would be started and ended. There was one, however, the lived on...

Aaron Reiser created Thwack! And the Lord saw that it was good.


When the stork originally brought Thwack! to Reiser's doorstep, it was a crudely hand-drawn comic. But Aaron was a student, and he didn't have the time or skills required to nurse a hand-drawn comic out of its infancy. So Thwack! was brought in for a rare surgical procedure in which the comic was converted into a sprite based comic. This was convenient, because it made Thwack! require much less upkeep and, as the current fanbase consisted of classic video game fans, the characters in the comic were allowed to select video game characters as their avatars.

Thwack! became a sprite comic. And the Lord saw that it was good.


As occurs with such comics Thwack! started out as a comic with in-jokes that, quite honestly, not even the people represnted in the comics understood. But as time went on, peoples' senses of humor adapted to Reiser's style. Furthermore, Reiser's skill at Photoshop grew to a point beyond painful to look at. It was at this stage that Thwack! grew and became friends with people whom Aaron had never met before, including people who lived all the way in Canadia! Of course, Aaron didn't supervise Thwack! too much so playing with strange kids was pretty much allowed.

Thwack! actually acquired a semblance of quality. And the Lord was surprised.


All sorts of other popular comics out there remained hand drawn and Thwack! almost became outcast as a sprite comic. The other comics didn't think that Thwack! was cool enough to hang out with them. Depressed and lonely, Thwack! tried to become a hand-drawn comic like it's friends. However, Thwack! learned that much like everything else in the world you can't really change the true nature of something. It took a little while, but eventually Thwack! came to realize that while, sure, it was a sprite comic - it would be the best darn sprite comic ever!

Thwack! started speaking in the first person. And the Lord was worried.


Currently, Thwack! is trying its hardest to have some sort of theme or message or storyline or whatever it is that other comics have. All the while, it will maintain its sprite origins. So while the stories might not make any sense and the jokes certainly don't, at least Thwack! is trying to be entertaining. And every now and then a guest artist pops in a tries to do a charicture of Thwack!


Thwack! had been working for so long and finally all those years of hard work took their toll. So Thwack! took a vacation to the Carribean, while somebody else was appointed to house-sit. Parties were thrown while Thwack! was gone which Thwack! didn't find out about until it got back. But rather than the expected tantrum and yelling and screaming, Thwack! came back from vacation a really chill dude.


After doing some soul searching and looking through the old photo albums, Thwack! has decided to try to return to its roots...